Rental crisis worsen for tenants as rents accelerate higher


HOUSING vacancy rates across Australia’s capital cities hit a record low in March amid a chronic undersupply of properties...

Rents grew 2.5% in the March quarter nationally, according to CoreLogic’s Quarterly Rental Review, with the index rising up from...

While the annual growth trend is holding steady, it remains at a high 10.1%, equating to an extra $52 per week, or an...

The increase in rents was consistent with numbers also released by PropTrack yesterday, which showed a national increase of...

“The reacceleration of Australia’s rental market won’t be welcome news for those tenants already struggling to find...

“There’s already a chronic undersupply of advertised rental stock in many parts of the country that’s translated into...

Over the four weeks to 2nd April, the total count of national rental listings fell to just under 95,000 – 17.3% below the levels recorded over...

The strongest overseas migration rate since the onset of COVID has contributed to the shortage in rental listings, and...

The national vacancy rate tightened to a record low of 1.0% in February before nudging slightly higher to 1.1% in March, down from...

Ezzy said surging rents in the unit market could be attributed to the increased demand from migration amid the shortage of rental supply.

At a national level, unit rents rose 3.9% over the quarter, up from 2.8% in the December quarter, while house rents recorded a smaller increase...

PropTrack’s data showed house rents headed up the increase, growing 6% over the quarter to a national median of...

Rental growth across the capitals outpaced the regional markets, continuing the trend seen since June. CoreLogic recorded a 3.0% rise in...

Stronger growth through the earlier stages of COVID has seen regional rents rise by 28.2% since the beginning of the pandemic...

The largest quarterly rental increases were recorded in Melbourne (3.7%), Perth (3.6%), Sydney (3.4%), Hobart (1.8%) and Adelaide...

Melbourne recorded the largest quarterly rental increase but remained the country’s most affordable capital, with a median rental value of...

“However, since overseas migrants and international students had returned and they typically choose to rent in Melbourne or...

Sydney reclaimed its “most expensive” title, with rents costing $699 per week, overtaking Canberra’s $674. Sydney’s quarterly rental trend gained...

Perth recorded the strongest annual increase in rents across the capitals, up 12.8% over the 12 months to March, equivalent to...

Each of the broad rest-of-state regions saw rents rise over the quarter, although the rate of increase varied. Regional SA recorded the...

National gross rental yields rose 10 basis points over the March quarter to 3.88%. Each capital and rest-of-state region recorded...

The pace of yield recovery has slowed from the 24-basis point lift recorded over the three months to September.

While gross yields have expanded over the year, it is likely net yields have declined. Weekly rents rose by approximately...

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