Apartments catching up to houses at a rapid rate


NATIONALLY, renting a unit is now only $39 a week cheaper than renting a house, with the gap shrinking as high demand and a critical shortage of listings.

According to CoreLogic’s latest Australian Unit Market Update, the gap between median house and unit rents has been cut from...

This as unit rents in Australia’s capital cities continues to eclipse house rents, with units seeing a 1.6% increase over...

One of the main contributing factors to this discrepancy is the return of both domestic and international students...

“There is no ignoring the fact that the mismatch between supply and demand continues to be the driving force pushing capital city rents higher,”...

“Units are the affordable option for many; new migrants, students, service workers and many other tenant types. But...

Sydney has led the increases, growing by 1.9% in April, followed by Melbourne at 1.7%, Perth with 1.6%, Brisbane up...

At the same time Canberra’s unit rents were stable over the month and Darwin saw a minor decline of 0.2%....

With total advertised rental supply nearly 40% below the five-year average, vacancy rates across all capital cities...

“As the gap continues to narrow, we could see more rental demand shift towards the house sector, or as we’re potentially...

Unit values were up for the second consecutive month, with April’s 0.7% increase bringing the rolling quarterly trend to 1.2%...

While both unit and house values declined over the last 12 months, units are still pulling in way ahead of houses, with a...

By city, Sydney was again leading, with a 1.2% increase for April, with Brisbane following at 0.9%, Adelaide at...

Over the month, the shortage in listings continued to stabilise unit values. With national unit listings around...

The persistent lack of listings has seen more negotiation power shift back in favour of sellers, putting upward pressure on unit...

“It is likely unit values have bottomed, but there continue to be many market forces and economic considerations to...

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